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what im gonna do for lives?

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So hye there. What im gonna do for lives? The truth is , i wannabe nurse. Yessssss nak sangat sangat. And everyone knows my addiction to human body and others organ. I love it. Janganlah halang minat aku.

And i've told angah about my dreams and answered me with " takpayah la jadi nurse . " and i was lik a little bit down. Yeah setiap kali aku cakap tentang cita cita aku , mesti halang mesti takbagi. WHY?!!! It is my life. Aku tahu aku tak mampu jadi  doktor BECAUSE IM NOT THAT SMART! Sebab tu aku pilih jadi nurse sekurang kurangnya aku boleh teroka apa yg aku minat bekerja dengan bidang aku.

Angah told me to be the therapyst. And i was like...................... Yeah i know therapyst memang kerja ikut waktu pejabat takde shift malam . Tolonglah sesiapa faham aku T.T aku nak jadi nurse bukan therapyst  // fisiologyst.

Im stucked between chasing my dreams and angah's word.



deja vu

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And yass. What is dejavu ? Dejavu is strong sensation that an event or experience currently happen right now tht hs been experienced in the past. Alah senang cerita , mcam mimpi. Kau mimpi and tht event happen in your real life . And kau pun mcm " eh mcm pernah jdi "

Tipu kalau tk pernah langsung dejavu. Hahaha

Aku tau perkara yang aku buat ni agak merepek tapi aku still berharap aku akn dejavu pasal mimpi aku.

Aku mimpi yang aku pergi satu tournament (( idk what tournamest it is )) and aku selalu pandang sorang player dia. dont ask me why but i cant keep my eyes off of him. Dia mcam ada something yg buat aku tkpuas nak pandang dia . To me , he is the first guy yang buat aku rasa butterflies , berdebar and everything just by watching from far. dia tkdelah putih. Tkdelah gelap. Tanned gitu . Ihiks just like my taste . Mata dia memang mata pergh menusuk qalbu aku kabo hahahahah. And after tournament tu , aku tggu dekat satu bangku and im alone at tht time. And i saw him slowly approaching me and stop at " gedegang " bought some 100plus isotonik drink. (( CAN U FEEL ME YANG KAU NAMPAK DIA MCM NK APPROCH KAU TPI SALAH dia sbnrnya berhenti beli air ))  and ofc dalam hati aku mcm " tulah kau perasaan lagi . " and suddenly he turned back and smiled at me. And yassss this time dia datang dekat aku. With that kind of faces tht makes my heartbeat fast, butterflies in my stomach. about 3 steps nk smpai dekat aku , suddenly AND PAPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aku rasa panas dan terus terjaga.  Yeah what a waste.

I dont know why aku berharap that guy exist out of theese billion peoples. And meet me. How i wish my dreams come true. Mybe he is the first guy who makes me feel like that? Ya ya ya iknow it just a dream but sighhhh . Should i give up about this ? Hoping it happens just like it TOTALLY WONT HAPPEN.  Ottokae? Idk just go with this or just give up about this yg kekonon IT WILL HAPPEN.

But the desire about this dream becomes true is strong.

To that guy , i hope u were fine and ofc i hope were exist in this earth and we can meet someday.

Goodnight and bye.



love ?

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Love ? Cinta ? Entahla. Apa itu cinta? Apa itu sayang ? Maaf aku tak mampu nk definisi kan apa itu sayang apa itu cinta. Call me lame but i've never been in relationship before Hehehehe. But who cares. My life , my bussiness.

Paling lama aku pernah crush in someone pun ; 10 bulan je. Kehkehkeh funny isnt? Tulah crush yang aku pernah suka yang buat aku sengih sengih kalau jumpa. Ya Allah childishnya aku dlu hahahahahahaha. Sejak aku stop crush on him lah kan , bila aku ada crush lain perasaan aku crush dekat orang lain tu tak sama macam aku crush dekat orang lain. Dia lain. yes sejak dari tu aku ada crush pun , just fr 2 weeks and then stop tkde perasaan langsung.

Aku pernah terfikir , aku teringin nk rasa macam mana perasaan rindu tu ? Perasaan nk sangat sangat dekat seseorang tu mcm mana ? Mcm mana perasaan sayang tu ? Mcm mana rasa butterflies bila kau dekat dengan orang yang kau suka ? Mcm mana perasaan debar , ketar lutut bila lalu sebelah dia ? I just miss tht kind off feelings.aku teringin jugak nk apa orang kata , nak rasa jugak mcm mana teenagers lain rasa cewah cewah hahhahaha. Yelah remaja kan suka mencuba hahahaha. Lewls.

Aku terfikir , kenapa setiap kali aku pandang lelaki , aku rasa kosong. Tk debar tak apa. Kosong. Tkde lgsg feelings. Sebab apa eh ?

" itu maknanya hati kau tertutup untuk semua lelaki. Only a right guy can make u feel like that" - Ain , 29 novemver 2014

Mungkin kan ? Siapa yang tahu kan ?